Parent Portal


These links will provide you with the ability to explore the processes of financial aid, 健康或咨询服务, housing, and more. 希望你的许多问题都能在这里得到解答.  如果没有,请发送电子邮件至studentlife@snu.我们会马上回复你. 首尔大学在通过高等教育培养像基督一样的门徒的过程中,很荣幸地提供了一种转变的体验.  We hope your student will complete an education here with tremendous growth in knowledge and character.

Welcome to SNU.

Stay in the know!

  • Parents Of New Students

    在你的学生的优先注册事件(以前的风暴潮), an expert in your student’s chosen major has enrolled them for Fall courses. If you would like more information about the Learning Community courses your student enrolled in click here . 如果您的学生仍然期待在夏季参加AP或CLEP考试,并且想知道这些考试如何应用于他们的通识教育和专业课程 click here . If at any time this Summer your student has questions about or needs to make changes to your Fall schedule, 请不要犹豫,联系以下顾问之一:

    Dr. Dennis Williams ( )
    Dr. Heather Clemmer ( )

    The SNU Campus Store is here to provide course materials for our students. 新学生可以选择教科书管家,它会自动提供他们的课程材料,并将他们的书费记入学生账户.  Via this link, 你可以改变你的教科书管家的偏好, get detailed textbook information based on your enrollment and view bookstore textbook transactions, etc.  For more information on SNU gear or other products in the campus store, click here.

    Here’s a video with more information about how the textbook service works.

    Crimson Card
    Very soon the new Crimson Card will be available and you will want to consider purchasing one for your student. With the card, your student receives FREE ADMISSION to most student events A sweatshirt cheering on the Crimson Storm. [Sizes are limited. 1st come, 第一次服务]区域商家折扣(如Qdoba), Aloha Ice, Riversport Adventures, and more). The cost is $45.

    Disability Services 
    The Disability Services office is available to help students with accommodations.  服务和住宿是基于两个方面:(1)由适当的专业人员提供残疾证明, (2)实质性的限制(影响学习), reading, etc.)


    • 参加过IEP或504计划吗
    • Have a severe injury, a chronic illness, or mental health impairment that hinders their learning or access to SNU programs.

    Listen to a successful student story.
    For more information contact Disability Services.

    Financial Services
    澳门太阳城官网办公室的财务服务经理将帮助您和您的学生顺利完成联邦和州援助以及大学和非大学奖学金和助学金的申请过程. 我们知道,对于刚上大学的家庭来说,经济援助过程常常令人困惑,所以我们致力于在此过程中提供优质的客户服务.

    Likewise, 因为每个学生的经济援助过程都是独一无二的, you will receive caring, personalized attention from the Admissions Financial Services Manager dedicated to serving you:  Jamie Salazar, 405.491.6324 –

    我如何登录到门户?  内部学生门户网站( is for students.  你的学生需要登录查看详细信息,从最新的财务账单和本学期的上课出勤率,到他们可以更新工资单的银行信息的地方,如果他们在校园工作的话.   家长没有学生门户网站的登录名.  你需要和你的学生一起检索信息.  Through the portal, 学生也可以访问Canvas, 课程管理系统, 所有作业将提交到哪里, 课程说明可以找到.  当你的学生被录取时,关于如何登录他们的门户网站的详细信息会发送到你的学生的个人电子邮件地址.  邮件主题栏写着“首尔大学登录信息”.“如果你的学生找不到邮件,他们可能会去重置.snu.Edu和遵循简单的提示. 一旦他们知道了这些信息,他们就可以去找我的 and log in.

    What is my current balance?  Students may log in at (see above if login information is needed) > self-service > student finance. 详细的信息会在那里.

    如果我认为我的指控是错误的呢?  如果是在8月1日之前, it is possible that any outside scholarships have not yet been received by the institution.  Those amounts are not deducted from your account until they are received.  If you have institutional scholarships (such as music, athletics, ministerial, etc.),这些都没有出现在你的声明中, 确认你已经归还了所有的合同,如果有的话, 联系合适的部门.

    从新学生经济援助收到的成本表工作表可能与学生门户网站上列出的费用略有不同, as class fees and books are only estimates on the cost sheet worksheet.

    我如何接受或拒绝我的学生贷款?  Students must log in to  Students may log in at (see above if login information is needed) > self-service > student finance.   If you accept loans, you will see three other actions items on your SNU Portal
    1. 完成直接贷款入学咨询
    2. 签署直接贷款主本票
    3. Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment Please follow the links in your SNU portal to complete these items.
    After items are completed, it will take 1 – 2 business days for the loans to be reflected in your balance. The Dept of Education processes these completed items and notifies SNU.

    我如何注册付款计划?  Go to for detailed information.

    我想订一个付款计划, but I am still waiting for outside scholarships that I know will impact my balance.  What do I do?  You have two options.  1.  你可以按照上面的说明设置付款计划,当你的外部奖学金申请到你的账户时,余额会自动调整.  2.  你可以打商务办公室405/491.6308,然后通过电话付款,然后在所有奖学金发布后设置付款计划.  All students are expected to have made at least one payment on their account prior to orientation.  如果你不打算在8月1日之前支付学期余额, 你必须参加一个付款计划.  请从上面的选项中选择一个.

    Guest Housing
    Coming to OKC? Did you know SNU has a limited number of guest properties available for rent? 点击这里了解更多信息 or email with specific questions.

    Health Records
    首尔大学学生健康中心通过在基督教环境中提供高质量的医疗服务,帮助学生最大限度地保持健康,从而促进学业成功.   We know the importance of creating and maintaining a healthy campus for students, faculty and staff.  Oklahoma and SNU have policies that prevent the spread of infectious diseases, 请浏览我们的网站了解我们所需的疫苗.  For a list of state-mandated vaccinations and instructions on how to submit your records, click here.

    At SNU, 我们相信住在校园里对每个学生的成功之旅都很重要,我们鼓励所有本科生成为我们住宿社区的一部分. 我们确信校园生活对学生的发展有很大的帮助,因为在全国高校进行的全国性研究表明,住在校园里的学生享受更积极、更有益的大学经历. 居住生活利用关系存在和教育社区建设计划的创造性融合,努力最好地支持学生, 帮助每个人充分发挥他们的潜力. 点击这里了解更多信息.

    In order for undergraduate students at 南拿撒勒大学 to succeed academically, 至关重要的是,他们可以随时使用笔记本电脑. For the majority of classes, professors will ask students to use their computers during class on a daily basis. Additionally, 学生将被布置家庭作业, projects, 或者需要使用电脑的论文. 了解更多关于保护学生笔记本电脑的可用选项(以及最低规格), click here.

    New Student Institute
    新家长学院是我们在新学生学院的前3天为家长提供的课程.  我们一直在努力计划有趣的事情, informative, 为新生和他们的家人举办有意义的活动. 新家长学院将欢迎您加入我们的首尔大学社区,并提供与大学教职员工联系的机会, 让你所有的问题得到回答, 庆祝你们生命中这个重要的里程碑!

    Parent Email List
    Want to receive up-to-date information regarding special events, parent communication, and more? Complete your information in this form and you’ll be on the list!

    Payment Plans

    A monthly payment plan at 南拿撒勒大学 allows you to pay your education expenses in smaller, 更易于管理的分期付款. All students and families, 无论需要或经济状况如何, 你有资格享受这些付款计划吗. 没有审批流程. That’s why we are pleased to make our payment plans available to students and families of SNU. 有几种付款方案可供选择. 今天通过访问了解更多

    Student Employment
    The Office of Career Education exists to help students with all things jobs and career-related. 面向在校学生和校友, 我们有一个网上求职板,你可以在上面找到校内和校外的工作, a resume builder, 职业发展信息. 点击这里了解更多信息.

    Student Support Services
    学生支持服务(SSS)通过为克服学业障碍提供基础,帮助符合条件的学生成功完成大学教育, personal, 以及高等教育的文化障碍. 通过高度个性化的支持系统, SSS的工作人员努力与学生建立专业和个人的关系,以仔细评估他们的个人需求,并提供适当的学术, personal, and career support. 有关可用服务的更多信息,请访问 or email

    首尔大学公共安全部/校园警察局是国家认可的宣誓执法机构,雇佣宣誓警察. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网页. Specific safety information documents and information can be found there.

    As a part of the programming for SNU’s New Student Institute Orientation Program, 每个学生都将参加“优势识别器”测试. 这将提供有关学生优势的宝贵信息,并为最大限度地发挥自然优势提供指导. Further information and training will occur throughout your student’s college career.

    登陆信息将在风暴潮后发送给您的学生. They should begin checking their SNU email periodically once they’ve attended a storm surge event. Communication from various areas will be found there even throughout the summer.

    RENEW Counseling Center
    更新咨询中心在这里提供帮助和希望. 我们为像你这样的人提供追求完整的机会, healing, support, and growth within a Christian context while remaining respectful of your background and experiences. 传统的首尔大学全日制本科生每学年可以参加5次课程,除了最初的健康费用外,不需要额外费用, sessions 6-10 cost $5.每次00美元,10次后10美元.00 each.

    没找到你要找的东西? Email
  • Parents Of Current Students

    对学生的课程表有疑问吗?  你的学生有联系他们的学术顾问寻求帮助吗.  If they aren’t sure who their advisor is, have them email one of the following:

    Dr. Steve Betts ( )
    Dr. Heather Clemmer (

    The SNU Campus Store is here to provide course materials for our students. 新学生可以选择加入教科书管家,它会自动提供他们的课程材料,并将他们的书籍费用记入学生账户.  Via this link you can change your student can change his/her Textbook Butler preferences, get detailed textbook information based on your enrollment and view bookstore textbook transactions, etc.  For more information on SNU gear or other products in the campus store, click here.

    Crimson Card
    Very soon the 2020-21 Crimson  Card will be available and you’ll want to consider purchasing one for your student,  With the card, your student receives FREE ADMISSION to most student events A sweatshirt cheering on the Crimson Storm. [Sizes are limited. 1st come, 1st served]. Discounts to area merchants (like Qdoba, Aloha Ice, Riversport Adventures, and more).  The cost is $45.

    Disability Services 
    The Disability Services office is available to help students with accommodations.  服务和住宿是基于两个方面:(1)由适当的专业人员提供残疾证明, (2)实质性的限制(影响学习), reading, etc.)


    • 参加过IEP或504计划吗
    • Have a severe injury, a chronic illness, or mental health impairment that hinders their learning or access to SNU programs.

    Listen to a successful student story
    For more information contact Disability Services

    Financial Services 
    首尔大学经济援助办公室的存在是为了帮助您和您的学生顺利获得联邦和州援助以及大学和非大学奖学金和助学金. 我们知道,对于刚上大学的家庭来说,经济援助过程往往令人困惑,所以我们致力于在整个过程中提供礼宾式的客户服务. Likewise, 因为每个学生的经济援助过程都是独一无二的, you will receive caring, 我们知识渊博的财务援助人员的个性化关注.

    Dedicated New Student Admissions Financial Services Manager: Jamie Salazar, 405.491.6324

    Guest Housing
    Coming to OKC? Did you know SNU has a limited number of guest properties available for rent? 点击这里了解更多信息 or email with specific questions.

    Health Records
    首尔大学学生健康中心通过在基督教环境中提供高质量的医疗服务,帮助学生最大限度地保持健康,从而促进学业成功.   We know the importance of creating and maintaining a healthy campus for students, faculty and staff.  Oklahoma and SNU have policies that prevent the spread of infectious diseases, 请浏览我们的网站了解我们所需的疫苗.

    At SNU, 我们相信住在校园里对每个学生的成功之旅都很重要,我们鼓励所有本科生成为我们住宿社区的一部分. 我们确信校园生活对学生的发展有很大的帮助,因为在全国高校进行的全国性研究表明,住在校园里的学生享受更积极、更有益的大学经历. 居住生活利用关系存在和教育社区建设项目的创造性融合,以最好地支持学生, 帮助每个人充分发挥他们的潜力. If your student has been living off campus and is now interested in transitioning to on-campus housing, 请发邮件给housing@snu.Edu获取更多关于搬家的信息!

    Parent Communication
    Do we have your email? 如果你想确定,点击 Parent Email Link.  你也可以加入家长短信小组.  只要发一条短信“SNUNEWS”到84483.

    Parent Email Address Update   
    点击上面的链接给我们您最新的澳门太阳城官网.  我们会将您添加到当前家长列表中,以便您和您的学生收到有关特殊活动和即将到来的重要日期的所有家长邮件.

    Payment Plans
    The monthly payment plan at 南拿撒勒大学 allows you to pay your education expenses in smaller, 更易于管理的每月分期付款. All students and families, 无论需要或经济状况如何, 你有资格享受这些付款计划吗. 没有审批流程. That’s why we’re pleased to make our payment plans available to students and families of SNU.  有几种付款方案可供选择. 今天通过访问了解更多

    Student Employment
    The Office of Career Education exists to help students with all things jobs and career-related.  面向在校学生和校友, 我们有一个网上求职板,你可以在上面找到校内和校外的工作, a resume builder, 职业发展信息. Click here for more information.

    Each student is given access to the StrengthsFinder assessment as they enter SNU.  如果你的学生因为某些原因没有参加考试, 或者对他/她的结果有疑问, 请让他们联系: 有关评核资料,请浏览 有关评估结果的更深入资讯.

    首尔大学公共安全部/校园警察局是国家认可的宣誓执法机构,雇佣宣誓警察. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网页. Specific safety information documents and information can be found there.

    Student Support Services & McNair
    学生支持服务(SSS)通过为克服学业障碍提供基础,帮助符合条件的学生成功完成大学教育, personal, 以及高等教育的文化障碍. 在这个办公室,学生也可以找到麦克奈尔学者. 麦克奈尔为学生提供攻读硕士或博士学位的机会.D. in their chosen field. 通过高度个性化的支持系统, 这些工作人员努力与学生建立专业和个人的关系,以便仔细评估他们的个人需求,并提供适当的学术, personal, and career support. 有关SSS服务的更多信息,请访问 or email Interested in McNair? Visit or email

    RENEW Counseling Center
    更新咨询中心在这里提供帮助和希望. 我们为像你这样的人提供追求完整的机会, healing, support, and growth within a Christian context while remaining respectful of your background and experiences.
    传统的首尔大学全日制本科生每学年可以参加5次课程,除了最初的健康费用外,不需要额外费用, sessions 6-10 cost $5.每次00美元,10次后10美元.00 each.


    没找到你要找的东西? Email

我想知道发生了什么? 点击这里查看首尔大学校历的重要日期.


Have more questions? 

Contact Undergraduate Admissions
Location:  Marchant Ground Floor
Phone: 405-491-6324

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